Package 'bananas'

Title: Data Set of Ripening Bananas
Description: Color information about ripening bananas over 21 days.
Authors: Peter Solymos [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Peter Solymos <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2025-02-16 05:31:12 UTC

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Data Set of Ripening Bananas


Color information about ripening bananas over 21 days.





A data frame with 220 rows and 19 columns for bananas. A character vector with 10 values for banana_colors.

An object of class data.frame with 220 rows and 8 columns.

An object of class character of length 10.


The data set contains these columns:

  • fruit: fruit ID (first digit refers to the bunch, second digit that individual fruit);

  • ripeness: ripeness class (under ripe , ripe, very ripe, over ripe;

  • ripe: 0/1 indicator (ripeness == "ripe");

  • treatment: Fridge or basement Room temperature, fruits were randomly assigned;

  • day: days since the start of the study;

  • green: proportion of pixels classified as green relative to the visible surface area;

  • yellow: proportion of pixels classified as yellow relative to the visible surface area;

  • brown: proportion of pixels classified as brown relative to the visible surface area.

The vector has the following colors:

  • w: white ("#ffffff");

  • g1: dark green ("#576a26");

  • g2: green ("#919e39");

  • yg: yellow-green ("#b1ab3e");

  • y1: yellow ("#d6c350");

  • y2: light yellow ("#eece5a");

  • yb: yellow-brown ("#d1a123");

  • b1: light brown ("#966521");

  • b2: brown ("#5c361f");

  • b3: dark brown ("#261d19").




x <- bananas[bananas$treatment == "Room",]

plot(x = jitter(x$day, 0.5), y = x$green,
    col = banana_colors["g1"], pch = 19,
    xlab = "Days", ylab = "Proportion", ylim = c(0, 1))
points(x = jitter(x$day, 0.5), y = x$yellow,
    col = banana_colors["y2"], pch = 19)
points(x = jitter(x$day, 0.5), y = x$brown,
    col = banana_colors["b2"], pch = 19)
lines(lowess(x = x$day, y = x$green, f = 0.3), 
    col = banana_colors["g1"], lwd = 3)
lines(lowess(x = x$day, y = x$yellow, f = 0.3), 
    col = banana_colors["y2"], lwd = 3)
lines(lowess(x = x$day, y = x$brown, f = 0.3), 
    col = banana_colors["b2"], lwd = 3)