Tables and Metadata

This article provides a description of the tables that can be accessed via the abmidata R package and the ABMI public data API.

T01A: Site Physical Characteristics

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T01A")

Metadata: RAW_T01ASitePhysicalCharacteristicsMD

Head of table T01A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Nearest Town Public Latitude Public Longitude Collection Methodology Point Count Station Subpoint Elevation (metres) Slope (degrees) Aspect (degrees)
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS Wabasca 56.07138 -113.2536 1 1 P 639 6 168
Prototype 638 2003 10-Jun-03 KB Conklin 55.78121 -110.7296 1 1 P 574 2 219
Prototype 655 2003 10-Jun-03 CS Red Earth 56.10389 -115.5177 1 1 P 676 0 VNA
Prototype 656 2003 12-Jun-03 CS Slave Lake 56.08895 -115.1579 1 1 P 659 2 98
Prototype 661 2003 14-Jun-03 CS Wabasca 55.93960 -113.5852 1 1 P 577 8 213

T01B: Site Suitability

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T01B")

Metadata: RAW_T01BSiteSuitabilityMD

Head of table T01B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Collection Methodology Point Count Station Subpoint Canopy Layer Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Percent Composition of Tree Species (Dominant Strata) Rank in Canopy Average Distance (metres) between Trees Height of Trees (metres) Percent Cover (Shrubs Only)
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 P Veteran NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 P Dominant Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides Species 99003483 60 1 5 >25 VNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 P Dominant White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 40 2 5 >25 VNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 P Suppressed White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 60 1 VNA VNA VNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 P Suppressed Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides Species 99003483 40 2 VNA VNA VNA

T01C: Site Capability

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T01C")

Metadata: RAW_T01CSiteCapabilityMD

Head of table T01C
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Collection Methodology Point Count Station Subpoint Time Period Ecosite - Nutrient/Moisture Code Ecosite - Tree Species Modifier Ecosite - Structural Stage Percent Area of Ecological Site Classification
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 P C PNA PNA PNA PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 S C PNA PNA PNA PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 2 P C PNA PNA PNA PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 2 S C PNA PNA PNA PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 3 P C PNA PNA PNA PNA

T01D: Ground Cover

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T01D")

Metadata: RAW_T01DGroundCoverMD

Head of table T01D
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Collection Methodology Point Count Station Subpoint Percent Cover of Standing Dead Herbaceous Height of Standing Dead Herbaceous (metres) Predominant Type of Live Herbaceous Percent Cover of Bare Ground Percent Cover of Water
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 P 25-50 0.2 Herb 0 0
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 2 P <25 0.2 Moss 0 0
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 3 P 25-50 0.3 Herb 0 0
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 4 P <25 0.1 Herb 0 0
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 5 P <25 DNC Moss 0 0

T01E: Site Disturbance

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T01E")

Metadata: RAW_T01ESiteDisturbanceMD

Head of table T01E
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Collection Methodology Point Count Station Subpoint Human or Natural Disturbance Disturbance Type Disturbance Type (%)
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 P Human NONE PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 1 P Natural NONE PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 2 P Human NONE PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 2 P Natural NONE PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 3 P Human NONE PNA

T02A: Surface Substrate

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T02A")

Metadata: RAW_T02ASurfaceSubstrateMD

Head of table T02A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Transect (North/South) Sample Position (metres) Organic Depth (centimetres) Buried Wood Depth (centimetres) Description Slope Aspect (degrees)
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC N 2 VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC N 4 100 0 VNA PNA PNA
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC N 6 VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC N 8 60 0 VNA PNA PNA
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC N 10 VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA

T02B: Surface Substrate Disturbance

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T02B")

Metadata: RAW_T02BSurfaceSubstrateDisturbanceMD

Head of table T02B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Transect (North/South) Human or Natural Disturbance Disturbance Type Disturbance Type (%)
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI/NBO N VNA DNC DNC
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI/NBO S VNA NONE VNA
Rotation 1 2 2009 19-Jul-09 MBI N VNA NONE VNA
Rotation 1 2 2009 19-Jul-09 MBI S VNA NONE VNA
Rotation 1 3 2009 20-Jul-09 MBI N VNA NONE VNA

T07: Downed Woody Material–Small and Fine

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T07")

Metadata: RAW_T07DownedWoodyMaterial–SmallandFineMD

Head of table T07
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Transect Transect Length (metres) Size Class for Fine and Small Woody Debris Full Transect: Number of Fine and Small Woody Debris Pieces Detected Partial Transect: Number of Fine and Small Woody Debris Pieces Detected Total Number of Fine and Small Woody Debris Pieces Detected
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NE 25 2-7 PNA PNA 9
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NW 25 2-7 PNA PNA 14
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK SE 25 2-7 PNA PNA 15
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK SW 25 2-7 PNA PNA 42
Prototype 638 2003 10-Jun-03 JB/KB NE 25 2-7 PNA PNA 11

T08: Downed Woody Material–Coarse

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T08")

Metadata: RAW_T08DownedWoodyMaterial–CoarseMD

Head of table T08
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Transect Transect Length (metres) Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Diameter (centimetres) Decay Class (1-5) Accumulation
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NE 25 White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 41 1 VNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NE 25 White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 24 3 VNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NW 25 SNI SNI VNA VNA 14 5 VNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NW 25 SNI SNI VNA VNA 41 5 VNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NW 25 Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides Species 99003483 8 2 VNA

T09: Trees, Snags and Stumps

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T09")

Metadata: RAW_T09TreesSnagsandStumpsMD

Head of table T09
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Plot Plot Area (metres squared) Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Condition DBH (centimetres) Decay Class Top Height (metres) Base Height (metres) Height Measured/Estimated Crown Class
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NE S 25 NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA M PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NE M 100 White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 Alive 24 VNA PNA PNA M PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NE M 100 White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 Alive 13 VNA PNA PNA M PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NE M 100 Trembling Aspen Populus tremuloides Species 99003483 Alive 15 VNA PNA PNA M PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK NE M 100 White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 Alive 8 VNA PNA PNA M PNA

T10A: Tree Core Ages (2007-2015)

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T10A")


Head of table T10A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Quadrant Tree Core Type Sample Type Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Tree Height (metres) DBH (centimetres) Age (years) Age Estimation Confidence
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK null DNC 1Ha Largest Tree PNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA VNA PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK null DNC NE Leading Species PNA Black Spruce Picea mariana Species 99004837 PNA PNA 122 PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK null DNC NE Secondary Species PNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA VNA PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK null DNC NW Leading Species PNA White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 PNA PNA 85 PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK null DNC NW Secondary Species PNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA VNA PNA

T10B: Tree Damages

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T10B")

Metadata: RAW_T10BTreeDamagesMD

Head of table T10B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Tree Core Type Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Significant Tree Damage
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK 1Ha Largest Tree VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK NE Leading Species Black Spruce Picea mariana Species 99004837 PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK NE Secondary Species VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK NW Leading Species White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 PNA
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS/EK NW Secondary Species VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA

T10C: Tree Core Rings (since 2016)

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T10C")

Metadata: RAW_T10CTreeCoreRings(since2016)MD

Head of table T10C
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Quadrant Tree Core Type Sample Type Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Tree Height (metres) DBH (centimetres) Number of Rings Number of Estimated Rings Comment
Rotation 2 399 2023 21-Jul-23 BMA2 DNC DNC 1Ha Largest Tree DNC White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 25 46 VNA VNA Core
Rotation 2 399 2023 21-Jul-23 BMA2 DNC DNC N Leading Species DNC White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 24.5 44 VNA VNA Core
Rotation 2 399 2023 21-Jul-23 BMA2 DNC DNC N Secondary Species VNA NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 2 399 2023 21-Jul-23 BMA2 DNC DNC S Leading Species DNC White Spruce Picea glauca Species 99004836 24.5 40 VNA VNA Core
Rotation 2 399 2023 21-Jul-23 BMA2 DNC DNC S Secondary Species VNA NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA

T11: Canopy Closure

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T11")

Metadata: RAW_T11CanopyClosureMD

Head of table T11
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Sub-ordinal transect Canopy Cover Location Canopy Closure (Open dots)
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB NE 1 4
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB NE 2 24
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB NW 1 3
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB NW 2 7
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB SE 1 12

T12A: 2-Dimensional Cover Ecosite

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T12A")

Metadata: RAW_T12A2-DimensionalCoverEcositeMD

Head of table T12A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Primary Ecosite - Nutrient/Moisture Code Primary Ecosite - Tree Species Modifier Primary Ecosite - Structural Stage Percent Area of Primary Ecological Site Classification Slope Position Slope Direction Total Shrub Cover < 0.5 meters (Percent) Total Shrub Cover 0.5 to 1.29 meters (Percent) Total Shrub Cover > 1.3 meters (Percent)
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC SW PNA PNA PNA VNA PNA PNA PNA 30 <1
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC SE PNA PNA PNA VNA PNA PNA PNA 15 <1
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC NW PNA PNA PNA VNA PNA PNA PNA 30 5
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC NE PNA PNA PNA VNA PNA PNA PNA 20 5
Prototype 507 2006 19-Jul-06 CS2/MM SW PNA PNA PNA VNA PNA PNA PNA 20 10

T12B: 2-Dimensional Cover

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T12B")

Metadata: RAW_T12B2-DimensionalCoverMD

Head of table T12B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) 2-Dimensional Cover Element Quadrant Total Cover (Percent) Cover < 10 centimeters (Percent) Cover 11 to 25 centimeters (Percent) Cover 26 to 50 centimeters (Percent) Cover > 50 centimeters (Percent) Cause of Bare Ground (Soil)
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC Animal Matter SW 0 PNA PNA PNA PNA VNA
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC Bare Ground SW 0 PNA PNA PNA PNA VNA
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC Fungi SW VNA PNA PNA PNA PNA VNA
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC Grass SW <1 PNA PNA PNA PNA VNA
Prototype 483 2006 18-Jul-06 GB2/PC Lichen SW 5 PNA PNA PNA PNA VNA

T12C: 2-Dimensional Cover Disturbance

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T12C")

Metadata: RAW_T12C2-DimensionalCoverDisturbanceMD

Head of table T12C
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Human or Natural Disturbance Disturbance Type Disturbance Type (%)
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO Dominant VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE Natural WIND 5
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NW VNA NONE VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO SE VNA NONE VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO SW VNA NONE VNA

T13: % Cover Low Vegetation Species

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T13")

Metadata: RAW_T13%CoverLowVegetationSpeciesMD

Head of table T13
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Plot Number Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Total Cover (Percent)
Rotation 1 216 2007 22-Jul-07 RCA DNC DNC 1 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 22-Jul-07 RCA DNC DNC 2 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 22-Jul-07 RCA DNC DNC 3 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 22-Jul-07 RCA DNC DNC 4 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 22-Jul-07 RCA DNC DNC 5 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA

T14: % Cover Shrub Species

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T14")

Metadata: RAW_T14%CoverShrubSpeciesMD

Head of table T14
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Quadrant Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Total Cover (Percent)
Rotation 1 314 2008 19-Jul-08 MHO 19-Jul-08 MHO Dominant NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 314 2008 19-Jul-08 MHO 19-Jul-08 MHO NE NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 314 2008 19-Jul-08 MHO 19-Jul-08 MHO NW NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 314 2008 19-Jul-08 MHO 19-Jul-08 MHO SE NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 314 2008 19-Jul-08 MHO 19-Jul-08 MHO SW NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA

T15: Vascular Plants

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T15")

Metadata: RAW_T15VascularPlantsMD

Head of table T15
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Quadrant Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Present
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB DNC DNC NE Woodland Horsetail Equisetum sylvaticum Species 17161 Present
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB DNC DNC NE Tall Lungwort Mertensia paniculata Species 99002703 Present
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB DNC DNC NE Low Bush Cranberry Viburnum edule Species 99002748 Present
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB DNC DNC NE Twinflower Linnaea borealis Species 99002755 Present
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB DNC DNC NE Twining Honeysuckle Lonicera dioica Species 99002759 Present

T16A: Range Status Assessment

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T16A")

Metadata: RAW_T16ARangeStatusAssessmentMD

Head of table T16A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Protocol Type Reference Plant Community Percentage of Site Assessed RSA Survey Category RSA Response Category Litter Tally Litter Weight (lb/ac)
Rotation 1 1363 2012 30-Aug-12 JDE/MLA Tame Pasture Not Determined 100 1. Plant Community VNA PNA PNA
Rotation 1 1363 2012 30-Aug-12 JDE/MLA Tame Pasture Not Determined 100 2. Expected Plant Layers 3 PNA PNA
Rotation 1 1363 2012 30-Aug-12 JDE/MLA Tame Pasture Not Determined 100 3. Plant Litter 1 PNA PNA
Rotation 1 1363 2012 30-Aug-12 JDE/MLA Tame Pasture Not Determined 100 4a. Soil Erosion 4 PNA PNA
Rotation 1 1363 2012 30-Aug-12 JDE/MLA Tame Pasture Not Determined 100 4b. Bare Soil 2 PNA PNA

T16B: Range Status Species

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T16B")

Metadata: RAW_T16BRangeStatusSpeciesMD

Head of table T16B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Protocol Type Reference Plant Community Life-form Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Total Cover
Rotation 2 860 2016 20-Jul-16 MRO Tame Pasture DMF3 Grasses Smooth Brome Bromus inermis Species 99003893 10
Rotation 2 860 2016 20-Jul-16 MRO Tame Pasture DMF3 Forbs Wild Strawberry Fragaria virginiana Species 99003590 10
Rotation 2 860 2016 20-Jul-16 MRO Tame Pasture DMF3 Shrubs Canada Buffaloberry Shepherdia canadensis Species 99003672 <1
Rotation 2 860 2016 20-Jul-16 MRO Tame Pasture DMF3 Shrubs Prickly Rose Rosa acicularis Species 99003644 5
Rotation 2 860 2016 20-Jul-16 MRO Tame Pasture DMF3 Weeds Common Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Species 99004517 10

T17: Moss and Lichen Microhabitat

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T17")

Metadata: RAW_T17MossandLichenMicrohabitatMD

Head of table T17
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Microhabitat Type Present (1) or Not Found (0)
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB NE UH 1
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB NE LH 1
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB NE LS 1
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB NE TC 1
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB NE TD 1

T18A: Moss Collection

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T18A")

Metadata: RAW_T18AMossCollectionMD

Head of table T18A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Survey Survey Area Time Searched Microhabitat Type Specimen Collected
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE 1 25X15 25 LH NONE
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE 1 25X15 25 LS C
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE 1 25X15 25 WDS C
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE 1 25X15 25 WMF VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE 1 25X15 25 WPW C

T18B: Lichen Collection

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T18B")

Metadata: RAW_T18BLichenCollectionMD

Head of table T18B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Survey Survey Area Time Searched Microhabitat Type Specimen Collected
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI NE 1 25X15 25 LH C
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI NE 1 25X15 25 LS C
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI NE 1 25X15 25 HB VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI NE 1 25X15 25 TC C
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI NE 1 25X15 25 TS C

T18C: Moss Lichen Disturbance

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T18C")

Metadata: RAW_T18CMossLichenDisturbanceMD

Head of table T18C
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Human Disturbance Type Disturbance Type (%)
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI/MHO NE NONE VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI/MHO NW NONE VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI/MHO SE NONE VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MBI/MHO SW NONE VNA
Rotation 1 2 2009 19-Jul-09 MHO NE NONE VNA

T18D: Moss Lichen Search (2003-2008)

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T18D")

Metadata: RAW_T18DMossLichenSearch(2003-2008)MD

Head of table T18D
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Time Inside 1 Hectare (minutes) Time Outside 1 Hectare (minutes) Microhabitat Type Plot Number Moss Collected Lichen Collected
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 120 0 DT 1 I I
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 120 0 LH 1 I I
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 120 0 LH 2 I-NONE I
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 120 0 LS 1 I I
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 120 0 LS 2 I I-NONE

T19A: Moss Identification (2003-2008)

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T19A")

Metadata: RAW_T19AMossIdentification(2003-2008)MD

Head of table T19A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Advanced ID Date Advanced ID Analyst Microhabitat Type Plot Number Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB PNA JD PNA PNA DT 1 VNA Brachythecium Genus 99000537
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB PNA JD PNA PNA DT 1 Cord Moss Eurhynchiastrum pulchellum Species 99001127
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB PNA EK PNA PNA DT 1 Woodsy Thyme-moss Plagiomnium cuspidatum Species 99000959
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB PNA EK PNA PNA DT 1 Stair-step Moss Hylocomium splendens Species 99001074
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB PNA JD PNA PNA DT 1 Broom Moss Dicranum polysetum Species 99000334

T19B: Moss Identification (since 2009)

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T19B")

Metadata: RAW_T19BMossIdentification(since2009)MD

Head of table T19B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Stratum Identification Date Identification Analyst Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Identification Qualifier Qualifier Taxonomic Rank
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE Log/Stump 14-Oct-10 EFE Long Forked Moss Dicranum acutifolium Species 99000326 VNA VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE Log/Stump 14-Oct-10 EFE SNR SNR VNA VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE Log/Stump 14-Oct-10 EFE Sickle-leaved Hook-moss Sanionia Genus 99000680 VNA VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE Log/Stump 14-Oct-10 EFE Strict Haircap Polytrichum strictum Species 99000872 VNA VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 18-Jul-09 MHO NE Log/Stump 20-Aug-09 CMC Common Hair-cap Pohlia nutans Species 99000859 VNA VNA

T20: Lichen Identification

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T20")


Head of table T20
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Stratum Specimen Collected Identification Date Identification Analyst Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Identification Qualifier Qualifier Taxonomic Rank
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 1 DT C VNA JC Old Man’s Beard Usnea subfloridana Species 99002270 VNA VNA
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 1 DT C VNA EH Common Powderhorn Cladonia coniocraea Species 99002345 VNA VNA
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 1 DT C VNA JC Pebbled Pixie-cup Cladonia pyxidata Species 99002355 VNA VNA
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 1 DT C VNA EH Blister Paw Nephroma resupinatum Species 99002378 VNA VNA
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK/KB 1 DT C 17-AUG-19 DHA Flat Dog Lichen Peltigera horizontalis Species 99002326 cf. Species

T23A: Soil Collection

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T23A")

Metadata: RAW_T23ASoilCollectionMD

Head of table T23A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Primary Ecosite - Nutrient/Moisture Code Primary Ecosite - Tree Species Modifier Primary Ecosite - Structural Stage Percent Area of Primary Ecological Site Classification Slope Position Slope Direction Location of Soil Core Sample Soil Core Sample Total Number of Soil Cores Taken Additional Soil (milliliters) Mineral Soil Collected LFH Collected
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE NE (07) NT (07b) Flood (2) GGD 100 L VNA 1 X 4 0 NONE PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE NE (07) NT (07b) Flood (2) GGD 100 L VNA 2 X 4 0 NONE PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE NE (07) NT (07b) Flood (2) GGD 100 L VNA 3 X 4 0 NONE PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE NE (07) NT (07b) Flood (2) GGD 100 L VNA 4 X 4 0 NONE PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE NW (02) PM (02c) Sb (1) TTSN 100 L VNA 1 X 4 500 NONE PNA

T23B: Soil Disturbance

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T23B")

Metadata: RAW_T23BSoilDisturbanceMD

Head of table T23B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Quadrant Human or Natural Disturbance Disturbance Type Disturbance Type (%)
Rotation 1 1 2009 11-Jun-09 MBI NE VNA NONE VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 11-Jun-09 MBI NW VNA NONE VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 11-Jun-09 MBI SE VNA NONE VNA
Rotation 1 1 2009 11-Jun-09 MBI SW VNA NONE VNA
Rotation 1 2 2009 10-Jun-09 MBI NE VNA NONE VNA

T24A: Soil Arthropods (Mites) Identification

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("T24A")

Metadata: RAW_T24ASoilArthropods(Mites)IdentificationMD

Head of table T24A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Quadrant Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Number of Individuals
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE 19-Jul-07 DTH NE Zetomimus francisi Species 742137 1
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE 19-Jul-07 DTH NW Eremaeus translamellatus Species 738565 2
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE 19-Jul-07 DTH NW Sphaerozetes arcticus Species 742103 2
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE 19-Jul-07 DTH NW Nanhermannia sp. 1 DEW Species 99000035 5
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE 19-Jul-07 DTH NW Ceratoppia quadridentata arctica Subspecies 99000064 2

T24B: Soil Arthropods (Springtails) Identification

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Metadata: RAW_T24BSoilArthropods(Springtails)IdentificationMD

Head of table T24B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Quadrant Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Number of Individuals
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 ILE DNC JBA NE Hypogastrura nivicola Species 99940 4
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 ILE DNC JBA NW Folsomia nivalis Species 99420 6
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 ILE DNC JBA NW Desoria hoodensis Species 99000157 2
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 ILE DNC JBA NW Hypogastrura Genus 99918 2
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 ILE DNC JBA NW Onychiurus Genus 99579 6

T25: Mineral Soil

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Metadata: RAW_T25MineralSoilMD

Head of table T25
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Quadrant Total Carbon (Percent of Dry Weight) Soil Acidity (pH)
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE VNA VNA NE VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE VNA VNA NW VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE VNA VNA SE VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 14-Jun-07 CHE/ILE VNA VNA SW VNA VNA
Rotation 1 217 2007 15-Jun-07 TNA VNA VNA NE VNA VNA

T26A: Breeding Birds

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Metadata: RAW_T26ABreedingBirdsMD

Head of table T26A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Point Count Station Identification Date Identification Analyst Wind Conditions Precipitation Start of Point Count (24 hour clock) End of Point Count (24-hr clock) Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Time First Detected (seconds) Interval 1 (0-200 seconds) Interval 2 (201-400 seconds) Interval 3 (401-600 seconds) Behaviour
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 VNA TAH 3 None 5:17 DNC Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus Species 179021 260 PNA PNA PNA Singing
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 VNA TAH 3 None 5:17 DNC Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus Species 179139 40 PNA PNA PNA Singing
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 VNA TAH 3 None 5:17 DNC Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla Species 726205 20 PNA PNA PNA Singing
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 VNA TAH 3 None 5:17 DNC Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla Species 726205 50 PNA PNA PNA Singing
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 CS 1 VNA TAH 3 None 5:17 DNC Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla Species 726205 70 PNA PNA PNA Singing

T26B: Breeding Birds (ARUs)

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Head of table T26B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Quadrant Identification Date Identification Analyst Method Rain Wind Conditions Industrial Noise Backgroud Noise Recording Date Recording Time Individual Number Interval 1 (1 minute) Interval 2 (1 minute) Interval 3 (1 minute) Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Abundance Code Behaviour
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC CCH2 13 0 0 0 0 14-Apr-15 7:11:00 1 29 VNA VNA SNI SNI VNA VNA 1 Song
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC AMA 12 0 0 0 0 04-May-15 6:26:00 1 11 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA 1 Song
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC NBO2 12 0 0 0 0 05-May-15 0:00:00 VNA VNA VNA VNA NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC LMC 13 0 0 0 0 15-May-15 8:48:00 VNA VNA VNA VNA NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC SWI 11 0 0 0 0 27-May-15 5:47:00 1 33 23 2 Thrushes, bluebirds and allies Turdidae Family 179751 1 Song

T26C: ARU Deployment and Retrieval

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Metadata: RAW_T26CARUDeploymentandRetrievalMD

Head of table T26C
Rotation ABMI Site Year Quadrant Deployment Field Date Deployment Time Deployment Field Crew Member(s) Retrieval Field Date Retrieval Time Retrieval Field Crew Member(s) Height Direction Snow Depth
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE 13-Mar-15 11:33 EBL/MBO 15-Sep-15 10:51 COS/KTU 1.5 0 0.45
Rotation 2 1 2015 NW 13-Mar-15 11:16 CPR/LWI 15-Sep-15 13:35 COS/KTU 1.5 350 0.45
Rotation 2 1 2015 SE 13-Mar-15 10:37 EBL/MBO 15-Sep-15 11:40 COS/KTU 1.5 0 0.85
Rotation 2 1 2015 SW 13-Mar-15 10:25 CPR/LWI 15-Sep-15 12:35 COS/KTU 1.5 340 0.35
Rotation 2 2 2015 NE 14-Mar-15 12:04 ELO/MBO 15-Sep-15 11:30 ASC/NVE 1.5 350 0.50

T26D: Breeding Birds (ARU) Abiotic

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Metadata: RAW_T26DBreedingBirds(ARU)AbioticMD

Head of table T26D
Rotation ABMI Site Year Quadrant Identification Date Identification Analyst Method Rain Wind Conditions Industrial Noise Backgroud Noise Recording Date Recording Time Interval 1 (1 minute) Interval 2 (1 minute) Interval 3 (1 minute) Abiotic Noise Intensity
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC AMA 12 0 0 0 0 04-May-15 6:26:00 37 VNA VNA Wind 1
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC EUP 12 0 1 0 0 05-Jun-15 0:00:00 1 VNA VNA Wind 1
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC NBO2 11 0 2 0 0 11-Jun-15 7:15:00 VNA 29 VNA Wind 3
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC NBO2 11 0 2 0 0 11-Jun-15 7:15:00 1 1 1 Wind 2
Rotation 2 1 2015 NE DNC AMA 12 1 0 0 0 16-Jun-15 0:00:00 19 VNA VNA Wind 1

T27A: Winter Snow Tracking–Site Snow Cover

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Metadata: RAW_T27AWinterSnowTracking–SiteSnowCoverMD

Head of table T27A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Visit Method of Travel Route Tracked Start Time End Time Days Since Snow Snow Conditions Temperature (Degrees Celsius) Weather Starting Snow Depth 1 (centimetres) Starting Snow Depth 2 (centimetres) Starting Snow Depth 3 (centimetres) Ending Snow Depth 4 (centimetres) Ending Snow Depth 5 (centimetres) Ending Snow Depth 6 (centimetres)
Prototype 477 2004 20-Feb-05 JB3 1 PNA PNA 11:30 12:40 3 Powder -6 PNA 58 PNA PNA PNA PNA PNA
Prototype 477 2004 20-Feb-05 DP2 1 PNA PNA 11:34 12:50 3 Powder -3 PNA 71 PNA PNA PNA PNA PNA
Prototype 477 2004 20-Feb-05 JB3 1 PNA PNA 12:40 13:30 3 Powder -7 PNA 26 PNA PNA PNA PNA PNA
Prototype 477 2004 20-Feb-05 DP2 1 PNA PNA 12:50 14:00 3 Powder -3 PNA 61 PNA PNA PNA PNA PNA
Prototype 477 2004 19-Feb-05 JB3 1 PNA PNA 13:00 14:11 2 Powder -6 PNA 44 PNA PNA PNA PNA PNA

T27B: Winter Snowtracking Species

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Metadata: RAW_T27BWinterSnowtrackingSpeciesMD

Head of table T27B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Transect Segment Transect Distance (metres) Total Transect Length (metres) Primary Habitat Percentage of Primary Habitat Secondary Habitat Percentage of Secondary Habitat Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Track Orientation
Prototype 477 2004 19-Feb-05 DP2 1 1033 8926 PNA PNA PNA PNA Weasels and ermine Mustela Genus 180552 1
Prototype 477 2004 19-Feb-05 DP2 1 1033 8926 PNA PNA PNA PNA Deer Odocoileus Genus 180697 1
Prototype 477 2004 19-Feb-05 DP2 1 1033 8926 PNA PNA PNA PNA Moose Alces alces Species 180703 1
Prototype 477 2004 19-Feb-05 DP2 1 1033 8926 PNA PNA PNA PNA Snowshoe Hare Lepus americanus Species 180112 1
Prototype 477 2004 19-Feb-05 DP2 1 1033 8926 PNA PNA PNA PNA Grouse, ptarmigan and allies Tetraoninae Subfamily 553485 1

T27C: Winter Snow Tracking–Site Disturbance

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Metadata: RAW_T27CWinterSnowTracking–SiteDisturbanceMD

Head of table T27C
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Transect Segment Human Disturbance
Prototype 477 2004 19-Feb-05 DP2 1 DNC
Prototype 477 2004 19-Feb-05 DP2 2 DNC
Prototype 477 2004 20-Feb-05 DP2 3 DNC
Prototype 477 2004 20-Feb-05 DP2 4 DNC
Prototype 477 2004 20-Feb-05 JB3 5 DNC

T28: Incidental Vertebrates

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Metadata: RAW_T28IncidentalVertebratesMD

Head of table T28
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member Total Observer Effort (time/site) 1 hectare / 36 hectares Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Type of Observation
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 KB 04:30 1 Black Bear Ursus americanus Species 180544 Scat
Prototype 630 2003 18-Jul-03 EK 04:00 1 Wood Frog Lithobates sylvaticus Species 775117 Observed
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK 04:50 1 Great Gray Owl Strix nebulosa Species 99003068 Nest
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK 04:50 1 Red Squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Species 180166 Other
Prototype 630 2003 13-Jun-03 EK 04:50 1 Moose Alces alces Species 180703 Scat

W01A: Physical Characteristics

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Metadata: RAW_W01APhysicalCharacteristicsMD

Head of table W01A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Nearest Town Public Latitude Public Longitude Wetland Elevation (m) Bathymetry Transect Transect Length (metres) Transect Segment Point Depth (metres)
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA DNC 58.86859 -119.2644 359 Primary Axis 165 Start PNA 0.3
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA DNC 58.86859 -119.2644 359 Primary Axis 165 1 PNA 0.6
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA DNC 58.86859 -119.2644 359 Primary Axis 165 2 PNA 1.2
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA DNC 58.86859 -119.2644 359 Primary Axis 165 3 PNA 0.5
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA DNC 58.86859 -119.2644 359 Primary Axis 165 4 PNA 0.8

W01B: Depth

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Metadata: RAW_W01BDepthMD

Head of table W01B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Wetland Elevation (m) Deepest Point Water Depth (m)
Rotation 1 323 2010 07-Jul-10 JSW 748 1 1.7
Rotation 1 323 2010 07-Jul-10 JSW 748 2 1.6
Rotation 1 323 2010 07-Jul-10 JSW 748 3 1.6
Rotation 1 323 2010 07-Jul-10 JSW 748 4 1.6
Rotation 1 323 2010 07-Jul-10 JSW 748 5 1.5

W02A: Vegetation Zone

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Metadata: RAW_W02AVegetationZoneMD

Head of table W02A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Wetland Class Zone Zone Width (m) Dominant Veg (common name) Dominant Veg (scientific name) Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent 33.0 PNA PNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Wetmeadow Graminoid and Peatland Graminoid 27.0 PNA PNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Wetmeadow Wooded and Peatland Wooded 30.0 PNA PNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Open Water VNA PNA PNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 217 2007 21-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent 58.0 PNA PNA VNA VNA

W02B: Site Capability

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Head of table W02B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Wetland Class Zone Transect Transect Location Water Depth (m) Ecosite - Nutrient/Moisture Code Ecosite - Tree Species Modifier Ecosite - Structural Stage Shrub/Tree Cover <0.5 metres (%) Shrub/Tree Cover 0.5 to 1.29 metres (%) Shrub/Tree Cover 1.30 to 5.0 metres (%) Shrub/Tree Cover >5.0 metres (%)
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 1 50 0.6 (11) VD (11a) None DNC 0 0 0 PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 2 EMG2 0.5 (11) VD (11a) None DNC 0 0 0 PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 3 EMG3 0.6 (11) VD (11a) None DNC 0 0 0 PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 4 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 5 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA

W02C: Site Disturbance

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Metadata: RAW_W02CSiteDisturbanceMD

Head of table W02C
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Wetland Class Zone Transect Human Disturbance Type Human Disturbance Area (%)
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 1 PNA 0
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 2 PNA 0
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 3 PNA 0
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 4 PNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH PNA Emergent Transect 5 PNA VNA

W03A: Riparian Characteristics (2007-2012)

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Metadata: RAW_W03ARiparianCharacteristics(2007-2012)MD

Head of table W03A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Zone Quadrant Ecosite - Nutrient/Moisture Code Ecosite - Tree Species Modifier Ecosite - Structural Stage Number of Dead Trees
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Emergent (1) North PNA PNA PNA 1-5
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Emergent (2) East PNA PNA PNA 1-5
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Emergent (3) South PNA PNA PNA 6-25
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Emergent (4) West PNA PNA PNA 1-5
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Fen (1) North PNA PNA PNA VNA

W03B: Riparian Cover

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Metadata: RAW_W03BRiparianCoverMD

Head of table W03B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Distance from Shore Quadrant Height of Tallest Vegetation Along Shoreline (m) Water (%) Rock (%) Bare Soil-natural (%) Bare Soil-anthropogenic (%) Lichens, Fungus and Non-vascular plants (%) Forbs (%) Grasses, Sedges and Rushes (%) Shrubs (%) Low Vegetation - natural (%) Low Vegetation - anthropogenic (%) Deciduous Trees (%) Coniferous Trees (%) Number of Dead Trees Dead Vegetation (%) Leaf Litter In/Outflow Beaver Structures
Rotation 1 314 2008 09-Jul-08 JSW Within 5 m (1) North 1.50 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA PNA PNA
Rotation 1 314 2008 09-Jul-08 JSW Within 5 m (2) East 1.50 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA PNA PNA
Rotation 1 314 2008 09-Jul-08 JSW Within 5 m (3) South 2.00 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA PNA PNA
Rotation 1 314 2008 09-Jul-08 JSW Within 5 m (4) West 2.00 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA PNA PNA PNA PNA
Rotation 1 314 2008 09-Jul-08 JSW Within 20 m (1) North VNA 50 0 0 0 0 1-5 45 0 VNA VNA 0 0 VNA PNA PNA PNA PNA

W03C: Human-Caused Site Disturbance

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Metadata: RAW_W03CHuman-CausedSiteDisturbanceMD

Head of table W03C
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Zone Distance from Shore Quadrant Human Disturbance Type Human Disturbance Area (%)
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Emergent PNA (1) North NONE VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Fen PNA (1) North VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Margin PNA (1) North NONE VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Open Water PNA (1) North NONE VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Upland PNA (1) North LN VNA

W04: Water Physiochemistry

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Metadata: RAW_W04WaterPhysiochemistryMD

Head of table W04
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Location Time Depth (metres) Temperature (Degrees Celsius) pH Dissolved Oxygen (milligrams/Litre) Conductivity (mSiemens/cm) Salinity (parts per thousand) Total Nitrogen (micrograms/Litre) Total Phosphorous (micrograms/Litre) Dissolved Organic Carbon (milligrams/Litre) Turbidity
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Deepest Point PNA 1.2 24.30 7.07 5.87 0.63 0.4 1910 30 46.0 PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Position 2 PNA 0.9 24.60 7.59 7.68 0.64 0.4 1910 30 46.0 PNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Position 3 PNA 0.7 24.80 8.08 7.73 0.64 0.4 1910 30 46.0 PNA
Rotation 1 217 2007 21-Jul-07 TNA Deepest Point PNA 0.5 15.84 6.81 1.28 0.50 0.4 3160 502 53.6 PNA
Rotation 1 217 2007 21-Jul-07 TNA Position 2 PNA 0.5 15.96 6.70 1.10 0.60 0.4 3160 502 53.6 PNA

W05: Vascular Plants

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("W05")

Metadata: RAW_W05VascularPlantsMD

Head of table W05
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Zone Transect Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Common Vascular Plants
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH VNA VNA Emergent Transect 1 SNI SNI VNA VNA C
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH 18-Jul-07 LTH Emergent Transect 1 Common Duckweed Lemna turionifera Species 99002788 C
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH 18-Jul-07 LTH Emergent Transect 1 Common Cattail Typha latifolia Species 99004101 C
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH VNA VNA Emergent Transect 2 SNI SNI VNA VNA C
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH 18-Jul-07 LTH Emergent Transect 2 Common Duckweed Lemna turionifera Species 99002788 C

W06: Aquatic Invertebrates Collection

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("W06")

Metadata: RAW_W06AquaticInvertebratesCollectionMD

Head of table W06
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Sample Location Transect Water Depth (m) Ecosite - Nutrient/Moisture Code Ecosite - Tree Species Modifier Ecosite - Structural Stage
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Additional Transect Line 1 PNA 0.5 14 - OW 14a Lake 3. OVSM
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Additional Transect Line 1 PNA 0.5 14 - OW 14a Lake 3. OVMM
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Additional Transect Line 1 PNA 0.8 14 - OW 14a Lake 3. OVMM
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA DP PNA 1.2 14 - OW 14a Lake 3. OVMS
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA DP PNA VNA VNA VNA VNA

W07A: Aquatic Invertebrates-LabID-Coarse

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Head of table W07A
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Coarse Group Coarse Group Count Proportion of Marchant Box Cells Counted
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA 14-Aug-07 AST Amphipoda 7 33
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA 14-Aug-07 AST Anisoptera 3 33
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA 14-Aug-07 AST Ceratopogonidae 1 33
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA 14-Aug-07 AST Chaoboridae 8 33
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA 14-Aug-07 AST Chironomidae 107 33

W07B: Aquatic Invertebrate-LabID-Fine

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Metadata: RAW_W07BAquaticInvertebrate-LabID-FineMD

Head of table W07B
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Common Name Scientific Name Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Identification Qualifier Qualifier Taxonomic Rank Taxonomic Resolution Count Protocol Version Kingdom Phylum Subphylum Class Subclass Infraclass Order Suborder Family Subfamily Genus Life Stage
Rotation 1 825 2007 23-Jul-07 CHE VNA RH SNI SNI -94000 VNA VNA VNA 15 1 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA nymph
Rotation 1 825 2007 23-Jul-07 CHE VNA RH SNI SNI -94000 VNA VNA VNA 5 1 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA nymph
Rotation 1 825 2007 23-Jul-07 CHE 04-Apr-24 RH SNI SNI -94000 VNA VNA VNA 2 1 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA larva
Rotation 1 856 2007 27-Jun-07 VEV 15-Apr-15 RH SNI SNI -94000 VNA VNA VNA 3 1 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA null
Rotation 1 856 2007 27-Jun-07 VEV VNA RH SNI SNI -94000 VNA VNA VNA 10 1 VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA VNA null

W08: Aquatic Invertebrate-Unique Mature Organism Search-LabID

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Head of table W08
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Identification Date Identification Analyst Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Count Protocol Version Kingdom Phylum Subphylum Class Subclass Infraclass Order Suborder Family Subfamily Genus
Rotation 1 33 2011 18-Jul-11 SVA 19-Dec-11 VNA VNA Enallagma Genus 102102 1 3 Animalia Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Pterygota Palaeoptera Odonata Zygoptera Coenagrionidae VNA Enallagma
Rotation 1 33 2011 18-Jul-11 SVA 19-Dec-11 VNA VNA Lestes Genus 102061 1 3 Animalia Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Pterygota Palaeoptera Odonata Zygoptera Lestidae VNA Lestes
Rotation 1 33 2011 18-Jul-11 SVA 19-Dec-11 VNA VNA Leucorrhinia Genus 101885 1 3 Animalia Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Pterygota Palaeoptera Odonata Anisoptera Libellulidae VNA Leucorrhinia
Rotation 1 33 2011 18-Jul-11 SVA 19-Dec-11 VNA VNA Siphlonurus Genus 100953 1 3 Animalia Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Pterygota Palaeoptera Ephemeroptera Pisciforma Siphlonuridae VNA Siphlonurus
Rotation 1 63 2011 19-Jul-11 SVA 19-Dec-11 VNA VNA Enallagma Genus 102102 1 3 Animalia Arthropoda Hexapoda Insecta Pterygota Palaeoptera Odonata Zygoptera Coenagrionidae VNA Enallagma

W09: Vertebrate Survey

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("W09")

Metadata: RAW_W09VertebrateSurveyMD

Head of table W09
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Count Type of Observation
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA Bufflehead Bucephala albeola Species 175145 6 Observed
Rotation 1 217 2007 21-Jul-07 TNA Black Tern Chlidonias niger Species 99001420 10 Observed
Rotation 1 218 2007 19-Jul-07 TNA Black Tern Chlidonias niger Species 99001420 3 Observed
Rotation 1 218 2007 19-Jul-07 TNA Bufflehead Bucephala albeola Species 175145 6 Observed
Rotation 1 246 2007 20-Jul-07 TNA NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA VNA

W10: Incidental Vertebrate Observations

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Metadata: RAW_W10IncidentalVertebrateObservationsMD

Head of table W10
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member Total Observer Effort (time/site) Common Name Scientific Name Taxonomic Resolution Unique Taxonomic Identification Number Type of Observation
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 LTH 05:30 NONE NONE VNA VNA VNA
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA 05:30 Bufflehead Bucephala albeola Species 175145 Observed
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA 05:30 Sora Porzana carolina Species 176242 Heard
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA 05:30 Beaver Castor canadensis Species 180212 Other
Rotation 1 216 2007 18-Jul-07 TNA 05:30 Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus Species 178262 Observed

W11: Riparian Status Assessment

Get the table as: abmidata::ad_get_table("W11")

Metadata: RAW_W11RiparianStatusAssessmentMD

Head of table W11
Rotation ABMI Site Year Field Date Field Crew Member(s) RSA Survey Category RSA Vascular Plant Survey Area RSA Entire Wetland
Rotation 1 522 2012 11-Oct-12 JWA 1. Vegetation Cover 3 4
Rotation 1 522 2012 11-Oct-12 JWA 2a. Weed Cover 3 2
Rotation 1 522 2012 11-Oct-12 JWA 2b. Weed Distribution 3 3
Rotation 1 522 2012 11-Oct-12 JWA 3. Disturbance Vegetation 3 3
Rotation 1 522 2012 11-Oct-12 JWA 4. Woody Vegetation 2 2