--- title: "Tables and Metadata" author: "Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Tables and Metadata} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup,include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## load package suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(abmidata) library(knitr) }) ## get table names n <- ad_get_table_names() n <- n[order(names(n))] ## metadata l2 <- list.files("../metadata/pdf") l2x <- gsub("TMP_", "", l2) l2x <- gsub("RAW_", "", l2x) f2 <- function(i) which(startsWith(l2x, i)) p <- sapply(names(n), f2) p1 <- p[sapply(p, length) > 0] n <- n[!startsWith(names(n), "C") & names(n) %in% names(p1)] ## get table heads x <- list() for (i in names(n)) { cat("\n", i) x[[i]] <- try(ad_get_table_data(i, take=5L), silent=TRUE) if (inherits(x[[i]], "try-error")) cat("\tFAILED") else cat("\tOK") } OK <- !sapply(x, inherits, "try-error") nOK <- n[OK] pOK <- p1[names(nOK)] xOK <- x[names(nOK)] ``` This article provides a description of the tables that can be accessed via the abmidata R package and the ABMI public data API. ```{r tabs,results = 'asis',echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE} stub <- "https://github.com/ABbiodiversity/abmidata/raw/master/metadata/pdf/" for (j in seq_along(nOK)) { id <- names(nOK)[j] descr <- unname(gsub(paste0(id, " "), "", nOK[j])) PDF <- pOK[[j]] cat("### ", id, ": ", descr, "\n\n", "Get the table as: `abmidata::ad_get_table(\"", id, "\")`\n\n", sep="") if (length(PDF) == 1) { cat("Metadata: [", gsub("\\.pdf", "", l2[PDF]), "](", stub, utils::URLencode(l2[PDF]), ")\n", sep="") } else { cat("Metadata:\n\n") for (k in seq_along(PDF)) cat("- [", gsub("\\.pdf", "", l2[PDF[k]]), "](", stub, utils::URLencode(l2[PDF[k]]), ")\n", sep="") } cat("\n", sep="") print(kable(xOK[[j]], caption=paste0("Head of table ", id))) cat("\n", sep="") } ```