WildLift 0.3.1
- Using the
argument was not giving identical results to when using same settings via the fpen.prop
argument. The return object now allows better tracking the changes and the two options produce identical results.
WildLift 0.3.0
- Paper describing the package accepted in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
file and updated DESCRIPTION
- App documentation updated with links to the paper and its supplement.
WildLift 0.2.81
- Added multiple levers (augmentation, predator/prey).
- Restructured the user interface.
- Added predator/prey options to conservation breeding.
is now exported (forecasting linear feature effects).
WildLift 0.2.80
- Added
argument to wildlift_breeding
which allows
females in the facility to reproduce at a younger age.
WildLift 0.2.78
- Package name changed to WildLift.
- Manuscript describing the package and app submitted.
WildLift 0.2.77
- This version is the 0.3.0 release candidate.
- km/km^2 linear feature density and cost calculation updated.
- Output costs are in $ millions (CAD 2020).
- Mariana added to authors list.
- No linear feature option is still affected by % early seral.
- Added Dockerfile for isolated testing purposes.
WildLift 0.2.9
- Updated demography parameters.
WildLift 0.2.6
- Added
function to run Shiny apps locally.
- Checked all inputs (demography, costs) and calculations.
WildLift 0.2.5
- App: default percent females penned is now 35%.
- Costs updated, number of pens now based on females only and not the total.
- Added costs to conservation breeding option (demography is same as for
predator exclosure).
WildLift 0.2.4
- Fixes to the app:
- sliders rounded demogr rates to 2 digits but some were pre set to 3 digits, now using 0.001 steps
- percent was used instead of proportion in breakeven calculation that gave error, fixed
- predator tab used mat pen defaults when before demogr sliders were rendered, fixed
WildLift 0.2.3
- Added
and updated .Rbuildignore
WildLift 0.2.2
- Added transportation related mortality to captive breeding.
WildLift 0.2.1
- Added captive breeding component (#5).
- Objects now store call for easier updating.
WildLift 0.2.0
- User interface for wolf reduction is finalized.
- File download issue fixed.
WildLift 0.1.1
gained new argument fpen.inds
to specify
number of penned females, can be a vector representing subsequent years
- Three new herds added to maternity penning, and also for a new
treatment type for wolf reduction (argument
pen.type = ""
WildLift 0.1.0
WildLift 0.0.2
- Modified Moose reduction tab.
WildLift 0.0.1
- Added initial functionality to the package.